Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment 3: Direction of Light and Using 1 light

Image 1: The opposite of what I think of Jessica.
Diagram for Image 1: Flag #1 was used to create a dark shadow on one side of her face. Flag #2 (between the camera & light) was used to block the lens flare. The hard light was applied by having no diffuser in front of the camera and by placing the subject near the light; around 4' away from the light (inverse square law). The hard light and the dark shadow was used to create a hard black/white contrast.
Image 2: What I think of Jessica.

Diagram for Image 2: Placed light behind a vellum diffuser to create a softer light output. To enhance the side that was not lit, a silver reflector was used (Angle of incidence).

This image has the same set up as Image #2 but with no reflector.